
Question of the Month
What was your favorite hangout when you were at Phi Kap? Was it somewhere in the house (maybe even the roof!), or somewhere nearby? We want to hear from you! As always, your brothers would love to reminisce with photos. What was your favorite hangout when

Help Connect Us to Brothers from Your Decade
We want to keep each of you in touch with your brothers from your decade, but we need your help! We have some brothers who we have lost touch with over the years, and you can help us get back in contact.

Mark Jones ‘93: I would not be the man I am today without Phi Kappa Sigma
Mark Jones ‘93 ([email protected]) says that he already started forming bonds with Phi Kappa Sigma brothers before he ever pledged. “The guys in the house and the bond I built with them prior to pledging [influenced my choice to join

Question of the Month
What was Phi Kap known for when you were in the house? And yes, photo evidence is welcome. CLICK HERE TO ANSWER AND WE’LL SHARE THE REPLIES NEXT MONTH!

Where in the World Are Phi Kappa Sigma Brothers
Have you used our Psi Chapter directory lately? Our website has a full directory of our alumni – including the people who made your undergrad years so unforgettable. Take some time to reconnect. Here’s some tips on ways to search for other brothers. The

Friends that have Lasted Lifetimes, All Thanks to Phi Kappa Sigma
When we talk about Phi Kappa Sigma, some of the first things that may come to mind are the connections that were made through your years as an undergrad. We recently reached out to our alumni brothers asking what those connections have meant