
Vital Stats of Phi Kappa Sigma
A healthy fraternity is at the heart of everything we strive to be. To keep our fraternity healthy, we keep a close eye on the key statistics and our brothers. With your support we are able to help fund reunions, support the future of Phi Kappa Sigma, and

Phi Kappa Sigma’s New Year Resolution
How many of us set New Year’s resolutions goals each year, only to forget about them halfway through January? We know we are guilty of that! But this year our goal is to help Phi Kappa Sigma brothers stay more
We have a very exciting announcement to share about a collaboration that is certainly a win-win-win! We are pleased to inform you that we are now part of a brand new tax-deductible “Foundation to Foundation Matching Grant Program” partnership between
Updating Our Psi Chapter Alumni Data Base
We have started the process of updating our alumni data base. Active Nick Connolly is leading the effort with support from the Alumni Board. You may receive an email or a call from Nick, so please take a

Phi Kappa Sigma is thankful for you
Whether it be through donations or time spent volunteering, we are thankful for your support in more ways than one. Phi Kap is a brotherhood; by definition, “an association or community of people linked by a common interest.” As Phi Kappa Sigma