
Help Connect Us to Brothers from Your Decade
We want to keep each of you in touch with your brothers from your decade, but we need your help! We have some brothers who we have lost touch with over the years, and you can help us get back

Join your fellow brothers on the Honor Roll
We are more than halfway through the 2023 giving year! Have you made your contribution? Each year, we recognize our brothers for their generous donations to Psi Chapter in our Honor Roll. We would like to thank those brothers

Where in the World Are Phi Kappa Sigma Brothers?
Have you used our Skulls directory lately? Our website has a full directory of our alumni – including the people who made your undergrad years so unforgettable. Take some time to reconnect. Here’s some tips on ways to search for other

HOLD THE DATE – Alumni Gathering in State College for PSU/OSU away game October 21
By Ty Torres “Ever find yourself missing football Saturdays at the House? The buildup for a good game, the camaraderie, the frosty beverages and the overall revelry? Well, we have just the solution for you. Come on out to The

Psi Chapter Wins 6 Awards at 2023 Grand Chapter
Over the summer, Gabriel Snead and Forman Stewart traveled to Phi Kappa Sigma’s Grand Chapter located in Ft. Worth TX where they met and discussed with representatives from other chapters. Psi chapter won the most awards out of any chapter

Celebrating 173 Years of Phi Kappa Sigma
This year, Phi Kappa Sigma celebrates 173 years since its founding on August 16, 1850, at the University of Pennsylvania. Fascinated by the prospect of fraternal relations with his fellowman, Mitchell set out to found a new, secret order in