Words by Byron D. Stokes, Albion’ 14; Music by F. Dudleigh Vernor, Albion ’14; Arranged by Milton C. Anderson, Cincinnati ’50
Gone forever the soft June nights, gone the rollicking crew,
That stole away from the darken’d lodge, at the witching hour of two;
Scatter’d like leaves in the autumn breeze, that amorous company,
But where’er I roam I’ll be longing for the fellows who liv’d with me.
True blue the fellowship, true thru the years, Born in the days a-gone;
Golden the tho’ts that our mem’ries hoard, fine and fait as the dawn.
There’s always a blue sky above, boys, and a bright golden sky sails high,
And the Blue and Gold are blended in the soul of a Sigma Chi.
And the Blue and Gold are blended in the soul of a Sigma Chi.